ethereal doom cosmonaut / bleak tails - mr. and ms. erotic america (split). c36. [$5 postage paid] [download]

our first release in a long time. dang. 18 minutes each from two east bay area kiddos. bleak tails is stephen, whose side is like watching 100 years pass in one day from inside of someone's mouth. ethereal doom cosmonaut is sebastian, whose side is like the sweatdrops off the back of whatever holds up the sky. edition of 50.
dj jammdoggz regional dance music mix download

Howl in the River Cave

live recordings of songs, punctuated by distorted vocals over melodic meanderings in esoteric guitar tunings.
this album was recorded and released digitally in fall of 2008. and sees light again here.
here's the download link
edition of 100. artwork by campfire.
here's some ace news for ya:
Ace of Tapes #2 - "Polly's Boat" by Blossom has been rediscovered after a couple years. There's a brand new story to read about this lost gem, written by Polly himself. But, there are only a few left and Polly is the man with the tapes, not us. So if you are interested, send word to Polly. his contact info is with the release details (below, under #2).
Windswept Stars

so we found some of these hidden in a box from a few years ago. this is pre-starcircleanatomy music. aquarius records wrote a very nice review of it:
"A really nice debut from Izaak Schlossman, a young man from here in the bay area who makes music perfect for long roadtrips on the open road or an afternoon in your bedroom with the windows cracked while hot water boils in the kitchen for your morning tea. It starts of sounding like some lost Neutral Milk Hotel demo hidden in Jeff Mangum's attic for years and years. And then a more electro-acoustic sound comes into play making for a great meeting of worlds between indie-folk song writing and more expansive instrumental and atmospheric passages that hint at what it might sound like if Iron & Wine was way more lo-fi and joined forces with Fennesz. Or something. Its pastoral beauty and earnest delivery also reminds us a bit of folks like Mountains, Rickard Javerling, Grizzly Bear and Horseback. A very DIY affair, the cd-r is packaged in a beautiful hand sewn cover.
And we can definitely see this being one of those cd-r's that a few years from now you'll be bragging to your friends about, how you were digging this stuff well before he became a big name..."
we have 14 left. not sure how many were made. artwork by izaak.
magic the gathering
So later today Izaak and I are leaving to begin our tour up the west coast from San Diego to Seattle for the better portion of the month and probably won't be able to ship orders. BUT the bonus is that if you live where we're going you can come see us! We'll ship out orders when we get back at the end of July.
Starcircleanatomy // Gkfoes vjgoaf // Stag Hare Tour Dates:
July 1st - San Diego: The Park Gallery
July 2nd - Los Angeles: Pehrspace (w/ Kevin Greenspon)
July 4th - Santa Cruz: Daytime bbq show at 115 Storey St. (w/ Concrete Shiva)
July 5th - San Jose: The Farmhouse
July 6th - Berkeley: Santa Rita House (w/ Deep Magic and Tyler Hill)
July 7th - Oakland: Anne's House (w/ Selaroda and Electric Sunset)
July 8th - Davis: The Luna Lounge
July 9th - Arcata: ...CLYDE!!
July 11th - Portland: Ella St. Social Club
July 12th - Olympia: Terrarium
July 13th - Seattle: The Black Lodge (w/ Secret Colors and Megabats)
check myspace for more details about addresses and times.
peace out internet

Light Weaving is a way of imagining the universe. It is the oneness of all things and the constellations that we use to engage with the world. The music of Light Weaving is building things into nothing. Ebb and flow. These are autostereogram-like sounds for all seasons, unfocus your ears and take in what's really happening... Specifically though, it is a set of live instances recorded in my parents' living room and reorganized on tape in June 2010.
edition of 50. artwork by sean.

field mantras is a walk through the forest taken home and vibed upon. two live instances fused together to create a meditation that is deeper than the sum of its parts. all covers are unique leaf prints on individually cut brown paper sleeves.
edition of 30. artwork by sean & rosa

this new tape from third eye seems to be a self-similar expansion of the ideas from his last release, in which he continues to develop the language of his sonic world. thicketed walls of ambiguous instrumentation climb and fall out from blackness, paired with field recordings and frayed captures of practices, jams, and shows. this music defies time; to think that some of the shorter moments here last less than hours seems strange and unreal. it shows a knack for condensing moments and an acute sensitivity for the ethereal notions that make music musical.
edition of 80. artwork by perl.

2010 is a band made up of some friends in the santa cruz music universe; there's lucas from san narciso, luis gutee, scott schaus, and izaak from starcircleanatomy. talented friends doing new and unfamiliar things, re/unlearning instruments and bringing their unrelated skills to the hallowed world of the "rock band". this tape isn't any of that though, rather an improv drifter cut down from sesh on a local radio station played the day before valentine's. mind games oscillating between nightmare and nostalgia, swelling out and pooling in the corners of the room. some weird radio samples and re-recording and hella electronic trix. coherent mind elevation for those in trouble.
edition of 35. artwork by ???.

red coyote is mose from campfire, busting out some solo stuff for the first time ever on tape. these tracks are discreet vignettes clipped from a large archive of meditation jams he did while spending a summer in iowa. most of these are short and sweet but easy to extrapolate all the way out to infinity. melancholy and curious, it's a show of hands, endless fields and a posthuman summer. comes with a foldout tracklist + zine.
edition of 50. artwork by mose.

this tape is kind of like boiling down the endless house & trance records of my adolescence to their most basic forms and seeding fractals from them. hell's moons, light through glass. i don't know what else to tell you. three tracks recorded live to cassette in 2∞9, held in sewn slips with xeroxed booklet.
edition of 80. artwork by izaak.

edition of 100. artwork by sean.
#9 + #10

10. luis gutee and his friends + starcircleanatomy - ttmpl (a split). CDR.
[download] [$4 postage paid]

this is a cd that got made for the lg & hf/sca west coast tour that just went down a couple of weeks ago but there's a bunch of these floating around. 8 tracks on each "side". luis' has lots of blurry loops that he's drumming over, spooky lowerfi sounds and short tracks. starcircleanatomy's side is a bunch of straight up zoned out computer sound crystals rotating in a windowsill. comes in vinyl slipcase with a color printout of the gnarly collage up there. edition of 100.

09. luis gutee and his friends - black magic glitch. C45.
this is the debut tape from luis and his friends. us here in santa cruz have had the luck to see luis shred some of these songs along with a few different people at shows for a little while now, but he was able to go and get the drums recorded all nice down in long beach and they sound pretty great with his computer sounds. so, okay: luis plays the drums. he's a monster. friends help out on various instruments. the songs sound like fucked backwoods carnival music from the year 4000. there's probably not any other music like this on the planet right now. 15 tracks.
edition of 100.
bye bye geocities
08. starcircleanatomy - scared sacred. C34.
[download] [sold out]

scared sacred is kind of an exercise in self-antagonism, an intentional destruction of hours of recordings by way of severe digital and analog transformations as well as layering multiple recordings together. the result is a cracked kaleidoscope techno journey through years of a diverse musical sketchbook.
edition of 100. artwork by izaak.
07. campfire - beach at the top of the mountain. C50.
[download] [sold out]campfire is a band from berkeley made up of three boys named mose, sean, and sebastian. it was really exciting when they started playing their weird improvised music together because they seemed to immediately exhibit weird telephathic understanding of each others' noise moves and the ability to really swim around each other in song like the best of the new improvised weirdo music groups out there now. this tape is a collection of states, drones, jammz and zones from the past year or so. they really covered all the bases. no joke, there is everything from super-fucked metal to tribal thunder to harsh noise to perfect bliss music on here. housed in a beautiful paper sleeve.
edition of 100. artwork by susie, sean, and mose.
06. gkfoes vjgoaf - tiger elephant panda. C60.
[download] [sold out]

TEP is kind of a different beast from the other tape sean just put out. the first half showcases individual ideas; brief loops, field recordings, sung songs and sound experiments all take stage for a second then quickly make way for the next zone. the second side is comprised of three longer burners in this blurry delerious ambient song style that sean does better than anyone.
edition of 50. art by sean.
++. beached whale - no skies. C6.
[download] [sold out]"there existed four wisemen: truce, igo, spoke and prowler. igo, the crown of the council, accidentally created a time machine. the others realized how fucked the consequences of this were, so they took the crown and handed it to spoke. spoke realized his first task was to get rid of this wretched creation, and he placed it in the belly of a whale. he placed the whale back into the ocean in hopes that the whale would die and no one would ever reach it. this tape is truce's account of the story."
edition of 15. art by luis.
05. gkfoes vjgoaf - what is a dream earth bed. C60.
[download] [sold out]

what is a dream earth bed is sean's first recording as gkfoes. he's in this great band called campfire but he does this other music too. these are some far out jammz; some weird sung songs and some really dense loopy space music kind of alternate over the 60 mins. lots of T.V. samples and huge bright textures and fierce guitar strumming, all bases covered, really. solar power music. it's good.
edition of 50. found art by sean.
04. the third eye of sauron - lidless, wreathed in flame. C30
[download] [sold out]

the third eye of sauron's debut tape is kind of a doozy. like watching inland empire on mushrooms. maybe. dark earth drones from the creepiest windchimey santa cruz nights. long delay trails and huge gangs of distorted held keys & guitars. samples punctuate cavernous sound walls. all pretty, all power.
edition of 50. artwork by perl.
03. starsircleanatomy - it's fucked up; it's a rainbow. C30
[download] [sold out]

it's fucked up; it's a rainbow is a tape of some of the songs izaak wrote in 2008. they are kind of about how going away can show you new stuff but won't really fix anything that's wrong or weird and how that all works out. 9 tracks: some sung songs and some weird sounds. about half and half. beautiful covers by actual artist chris hunt; each is different and cool.
editition of 111.
02. blossom - polly's boat. 2xC93
"this is a cassette tape 2xC93, or three hours long. it was made in chicago, philly, and santa cruz, ca...and was supposed to be released as ace of tapes #2 way back at the end of 2008, but that never happened. i dunno how i feel about it now to be honest. basically, i threw this together at a time when i wasn't sure if i'd be around much longer...and it was like documenting what i'd been doing in 2008. u should have an idea of what to expect, from any release that could have a three hour running time. basically, the first tape is "polly's boat" and the second is called "EYEHATEHUMYNZ." the first is made up of organ music mainly, with a couple song songs, a remix called "killing joke" + i dunno. the second is mainly a 60-minute long synthesizer recording...prolly falling in the "noise" category, with a couple other um..."experimental" songs (we really need a better name for that genre)."
remaining edition: 10. artwork by polly.
also, due to unusual circumstances you should contact polly (floatonthrough@hotmail.com) if yer interested.
01. submarines oh! rainbowzes / starsircleanatomy split. C60[download] [sold out]

submarines oh! rainbowzes is miguel valencia. starsircleanatomy is izaak schlossman. we these tapes were made in december of 2∞8 together. it was fun drawing on covers and going crazy at kinkos. these are hot brojamms. miguel's a witch. nobody understands how he makes those sounds. he also sang some songs about the world in there somewhere. izaak's side is some blown-out stoked cheapo digital style short songs done really quick to see how it felt.
edition of 50. artwork by izaak and miguel